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Eavesdropper's Blues


by J.C. Johnson
recording of January 9 1923
The Complete Recordings, Vol. 1 (Columbia/Legacy C2K-47091), copyright notice

I heard the folks were talking here yesterday
As I listened by the door
Would eavesdrop1 'cause they never hear no good, they say
And I heard things that hurt me so

They said I had a man I give my money to
They said I had a man I give my money to
And if I was broke he would turn my eyes all blue

They talked about my pa who was blind in one eye
They talked about my pa who was blind in one eye
They said he was a sinner and was too mean to cry

I never knock nobody, wonder why they picked on me
I never knock nobody, wonder why they picked on me
There's goin' to be a funeral if they don't let me be

I never stopped to listen, to try and hear no good news
I never stopped to listen, to try and hear no good news
I hear things about me, give me those eavesdropper's blues

Note 1: eavesdrop, to listen secretly to what is said in private. Etymology: probably back-formation from eavesdropper, literally, one standing under the drip from the eaves (= the lower border of a roof that overhangs the wall).

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