I'm achin' all over, baby, b'lieve I got the pneumonia this time
I'm achin' all over, baby, b'lieve I got the pneumonia this time
An' it's all on account of that low-down gal of mine
Slippin' round the corners, running up alleys too
Slippin' round the corners, running up alleys too
Watching my woman trying to see what she goin' do
Sat out in the streets one cold, dark, stormy night
Sat out in the streets one cold, dark, stormy night
Trying to see if my good gal going to make it home all right
Wearin' B.V.D.'s1 in the winter, prowling 'round in the
Wearin' B.V.D.'s in the winter, prowling 'round in the rain
Runnin' down baby, give me this pneumonia pain
Note: diseases of the lungs accounted for a large number of deaths
among the black community in the late 1920's and early 1930's, mainly
caused by insufficient clothing, housing and medical care. Especially
recently arrived migrants form the south, unaccustomed to the cold
northern climate, improperly housed and with hardly any or no access
to medical care had to pay a high price in human lives. Issued by
Paramount under catalogue no. 12880;
Note 1: B.V.D.'s, trademark, generally used for underwear.