Howlin' Wolf


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Come Back Home


writer unknown
recording of 1952

from Cadillac Daddy: Memphis Recordings 1952 (Rounder 28), copyright notice

You're a mean mistreater, mama, you don't mean me no good
You just a mean-mistreater mama, you don't mean me no good
I can't blame you, baby, I'd be the same way if I could

You know in the mo'nin', baby, when I come 'n, knocked on your door
You had a nerve to tell me, that you don't want me no more

And then also baby, when I knocked upon your door
You had a nerve to tell me, don't want me no mo'

Didn't you say you was gonna leave me, did you say you was goin' away?
Did you say you was gonna leave me, didn't you say you was goin' away?
That's alright baby, you gonna come back home someday

Note: previously unissued in North America.

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