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This page serves to state the purposes and intends of this website and to clarify specific topics related to this website. This page contains five major topics:
- About: Harry's Blues Lyrics Online
- About: soundclips
- About: printing
- About: software

About: Harry's Blues Lyrics Online

This page is dedicated to blues music. The main goals for this website are:

1 - History, definition and construction of the blues

to contribute to a better understanding of blues music by collecting and making available information about the history and background of blues music in general, of the artists featured on this website in particular and of the definition and construction of blues music in a more music-technical sense;

2 - Defining and explaining words, terms and phrases

to contribute to a better understanding of specific blues songs by collecting and making available information about the meaning and definition of words, terms and phrases used in blues music in general and in the lyrics available on this site in particular;

3 - Presenting lyrics and soundclips of blues songs

to make lyrics and soundclips available for private study, scholarship or research - see also disclaimer - :
- of songs in the music collection of visitors, especially for those songs on media that are not accompanied by the lyrics of the music they contain; and/or
- of songs of which the lyrics are hard to determine just by hearing. A special target group are the non-native English speaking visitors ; and/or
- of songs that have poor technical sound quality.

Click Here!

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About: soundclips

With respect to their purpose there are two kinds of soundclips on this website:

1. for about 1.5% of the lyrics 5-25 seconds soundclips are available of a very specific part of the song. These soundclips are created by the webmaster of this website and contain those parts of the song for which the lyrics are unknown or in question. These soundclips are all in Real Audio format and located on the host server of this website at fortunecity.com. They serve the purpose of determining the exact text of the specific part of the lyrics they represent by giving the visitor/listener the opportunity to listen to them an e-mail the webmaster suggestions on their actual textual content.

2. for about 60% of the lyrics 30-35 seconds soundclips are available. The purpose of these soundclips is to give the visitor/listener an impression of the actual musical performance and interpretation of the lyrics the soundclip is associated with. These soundclips are almost all - 97%+ - in Real Audio format. These soundclips are all located on the servers of online music stores like CDNow, Musicboulevard, Tunes.com, CDUniverse, Amazon, etc. On this website there are only links to these soundclip on the servers of these aforementioned sites. The links are established through so called *.ram files which contain the path to the actual soundclip files on the third parties servers, the *.ra files. For reasons of reliability on the basis of practical experience the *.ram files are located on the fortunecity.com server for this website.

Note: the soundclip version of a song doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the lyrics version of that song.

About: printing

For the layout of this website I've chosen for an appealing look (and no, this is not open for debate ;-)) above printer optimized "black on white" pages. It's a small price to pay for what you get in return I hope. So how best to print pages or part of pages, quick and easy?. Here's my advise: use a program that's part of the Windows package, its called Notepad, its located in the accessories folder and the c:\windows directory on your hard disk.

The instructions down below might look intimidating at first glance but trust me, once you done it, its a peace of cake the next time!. The names of the Notepad program and the folders vary with each language version of Windows, I've chosen the English language version for these instructions.

TIP practice on this page right away, while you're reading the instructions.

1 -

Selecting a whole page:

- place the mouse cursor somewhere in the middle of your screen;

- keep the "Ctrl" key pressed down AND press the "A" key;

- place your mouse cursor somewhere on the selection;

- click on the right button of your mouse;

- choose "copy";

- proceed to step 3, starting notepad

2 -

Selecting part of a page:

- place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the part of the page you want to copy;

- press the left mouse key down, keep it pressed down AND move the mouse down and/or right to make the selection you want;

- let go of the left mouse button if you finished making your selection, the selected part will now clearly stand out from the rest of the page;

- place the mouse cursor somewhere on the selection;

- click on the right button of your mouse;

- choose "copy";

- proceed to step 3, starting notepad

3 -

Starting Notepad:

- click on the Windows "Start" button;

- choose the icon that for starting/executing programs, usually the 2nd icon;

- enter the text "notepad";

- click on the "OK" button

- proceed to step 4, inserting the selection into notepad


- click on the Windows "Start" button;

- choose the "Programs" icon, usually at the top, or the 1st one below the ruler, if present;

- choose the "Accessories" folder;

- choose the "Notepad" icon

- proceed to step 4, inserting the selection into notepad


- placing a Notepad icon on you desktop;

- starting notepad from explorer

etc., etc., etc. it would go to far beyond the context of this page explaining ALL possible ways to start programs, if you want to know more check Help or the Windows manual.

- proceed to step 4, inserting the selection into notepad

4 -


- to insert the selection into Notepad, keep the "Ctrl" key pressed down AND press the "V" key;

- scroll to the top of the window;

- choose printing from the "File" menu

Instead of Notepad you also could use WordPad or a word processing program like Corel WordPerfect or Microsoft Word.

About: software

In this section all software used to create this website is listed and made available for download, either from my own site, the maker's site or a shareware site. The software includes trial versions of commercial software, shareware AND freeware.





Claris Home Page 3.0
Trial version


If you're looking for a HTML editor to create a basic complete website within minutes, you might wanna try this program. I've used the trial version of this program to create this website. It's a so called what-you-see-is-what-you-get HTML editor. It's certainly not the best program out there but also not the most complicated program to master. I has a lot of great looking templates that let you create a complete website within minutes. One more minor point I've discovered: it does seem buggy sometimes, after you've worked with it for a longer time in a session it starts to freak out on the fonts and you have to close it down and start the program again. I'm thinking of switching to Home Site 4 soon.

Ulead 3D v2.0
Trial version


this program is used to create the 3D titles and the text of the navigation menu on each page of this website. You can download a 15-day fully functional trial version from the makers site for free

Paint Shop Pro 5.01


if you don't already have this program you probably belong to a diminishing minority on the internet. It is most likely the most used graphics utility available. You can just about do anything to a graphics file with this program

G2 Real Audio Player


the newest version of the Real Audio player

Real Audio Encoder


make your own Real Audio files using file formats like .wav, .au, etc. Read the readme.txt file to install the program



the de-facto standard MP 3 player on the internet

Java applets




Button bar menu 1


this great free applet was initially used to make the animated button bar on the main HTML page of this website. The use was discontued because of the slow loading times it had on my pages. I suspect this was caused by the large table in my HTML pages. It might very well work on your pages just perfectly though. It has all the parameters you could wish for, like background image, sound when pressed, etc. and it doesn't require any java(script) knowledge at all. It doesn't have a convenient shell program like many shareware and commercial button tool programs but in return it doesn't cost 30$ or display messages like "unregistered" when uploaded. Together with a program like Paint shop Pro to make the button images you can have your own customized button bar menu within 1 hour!

Button bar menu 2


another great free button applet. Stumbled on this one after I created the menu with Button bar menu 1. It has more or less the same and as much options as Button bar menu 1. I used this applet to create the button for downloading the year 2000 countdown clock applet zip file

Year 2000 countdown clock


by far the best looking year 2000 countdown clock I've seen roaming the internet for a countdown clock. You can have it countdown from any date you wish, even have it count up from a date in the past. U.S. based users can even add the time-zone. Read the read.me file for the many options this applet has.

Java scripts




JavaScript Buttons II


this script is used to generate the two-state menu bars on (soon all of) my pages. No knowledge of JavaScript is required thanks to a very neat little interface program. This JavaScript generating program was written by Dimitris (a.k.a. LoneWolf). He has lots of more great stuff on his site, check it out!.

page last updated


this little peace of JavaScript automatically writes the date you last saved a HTML page into that page. No more worries about having updated or not the last-date-updated date

monitor resolution detection


I use this script only in the index.htm file, it pops up a messagebox if a visitor uses the standard VGA 640x480 resolution, advising him to switch to a 800x600 resolution. This site is optimized for that resolution


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Site created by:
Bluesman Harry
Page last updated on:
May 28 2000

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