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Robert M. Baker
The 'blue notes' or blue tonalities are
one of the defining characteristics of the blues. Tanner's
opinion is that these tonalities resulted from the West
Africans' search for comparative tones not included in their
pentatonic scale. He claims that the West African scale has
neither the third or seventh tone nor the flat third or flat
seventh. "Because of this, in the attempt to imitate either
of these tones the pitch was sounded approximately midway
between [the minor AND major third, fifth, or
seventh], causing what is called a blue tonality."
(Tanner 37) When the copyists attempted to write down the
music, they came up with the so-called "blues scale," in
which the third, the seventh, and sometimes the fifth
scale-degrees were lowered a half step, producing a scale
resembling the minor scale. (Machlis 578) There are many
nuances of melody and rhythm in the blues that are
difficult, if not impossible to write in conventional
notation. (Salzman 18) But the blue notes are not really
minor notes in a major context. In practice they may come
almost anywhere. (Machlis 578) Blues lyrics are often intensely personal, frequently contain sexual references and often deal with the pain of betrayal, desertion, and unrequited love (Kamien 519) or with unhappy situations such as being jobless, hungry, broke, away from home, lonely, or downhearted because of an unfaithful lover. (Tanner 39) The early blues were very irregular
rhythmically and usually followed speech patterns, as can be
heard in the recordings made in the twenties and thirties by
the legendary bluesmen Charley
Patton, Blind Lemon Jefferson,
Johnson and Lightnin'
Hopkins among others. (RSR&RE
53) The meter of the blues is usually written in iambic
pentameter. The first line is generally repeated and third
line is different from the first two. (Tanner 38) The
repetition of the first line serves a purpose as it gives
the singer some time to come up with a third line. Often the
lyrics of a blues song do not seem to fit the music, but a
good blues singer will accent certain syllables and
eliminate others so that everything falls nicely into place.
(Tanner 38) Most blues researchers claim that the very early blues were patterned after English ballads and often had eight, ten, or sixteen bars. (Tanner 36) The blues now consists of a definite progression of harmonies usually consisting of eight, twelve or sixteen measures, though the twelve bar blues are, by far, the most common. The 12 bar blues harmonic progression
(the one-four-five) is most often agreed to be the
following: four bars of tonic, two of subdominant, two of
tonic, two of dominant, and two of tonic. Or, alternatively,
I,I,I,I,IV,IV,I,I,V,V,I,I. Each roman numeral indicates a
chord built on a specific tone in the major scale. Due to
the influence of rock and roll, the tenth chord has been
changed to IV. This alteration is now considered standard.
(Tanner 37) In practice, various intermediate chords, and
even some substitute chord patterns, have been used in blues
progressions, at least since the nineteen-twenties. (Machlis
578) Some purists feel that any variations or embellishments
of the basic blues pattern changes its quality or validity
as a blues song. For instance, if the basic blues chord
progression is not used, then the music being played is not
the blues. Therefore, these purists maintain that many
melodies with the word "blues" in the title, and which are
often spoken of as being the blues, are not the blues
because their melodies lack this particular basic blues
harmonic construction. (Tanner 37) I believe this viewpoint
to be a bit wide of the mark, because it places a greater
emphasis on blues harmony than melody. One of the problems regarding defining
what the blues are is the variety of authoritative opinions.
The blues is neither an era in the chronological development
of jazz, nor is it actually a particular style of playing or
singing jazz. (Tanner 35) Some maintain (mostly
musicologists) that the blues are defined by the use of blue
notes (and on this point they also differ - some say that
they are simply flatted thirds, fifths, and sevenths applied
to a major scale [forming a pentatonic scale]; some
maintain that they are microtones; and some believe that
they are the third, or fifth, or seventh tones sounded
simultaneously with the flatted third, or fifth, or seventh
tones respectively [minor second intervals]). Others
feel that the song form (twelve bars, one-four-five) is the
defining feature of the blues. Some feel that the blues is a
way to approach music, a philosophy, in a manner of
speaking. And still others hold a much wider sociological
view that the blues are an entire musical tradition rooted
in the black experience of the post-war South. Whatever one
may think of the social implications of the blues, whether
expressing the American or black experience in microcosm, it
was their "strong autobiographical nature, their intense
personal passion, chaos and loneliness, executed so
vibrantly that it captured the imagination of modern
musicians" and the general public as well. (Shapiro 13) Kamien, Michael. _Music: An Appreciation_. 3d Ed. N.Y.: McGraw Hill, 1984.; Kennedy, Michael. _The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music_. N.Y.: 1980.; Lomax, Alan. _The Land Where the Blues Began_. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1993.; Pareles, Jon and Patricia Romanowski, eds. _The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll_.N.Y.: Rolling Stone Press, 1983.; Priestly, Brian. _Jazz On Record: A History_. N.Y.: Billboard Books, 1991.; Salzman, Eric and Michael Sahl. _Making Changes_. N.Y.: G. Schirmer, 1977.; Shapiro, Harry. _Eric Clapton: Lost in the Blues_. N.Y.: Da Capo Press, 1992.; Tanner, Paul and Maurice Gerow. _A Study of Jazz_. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown Publishers, 1984. Robert M. Baker, CompuServe:
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